Zoe Spark Followed Her Heart - Children's Book

Zoe Spark Followed Her Heart - Children's Book
"Zoe Spark Follows Her Heart" is a story of empowerment, overcoming obstacles and following your dreams. It's geared towards kids ages 4-9, but the underlying message is for all ages (even adults).
Age Range: 4 - 9 years
Grade Level: Preschool - 3
Hardcover: 36 pages
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 8 x 10 x 0.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces
Synopsis: Zoe Spark is a spunky girl who loves to bake sweet treats! She has a dream of opening her own bakery and plans to let nothing stand in her way. But when she finds out that her school will be cutting her baking class, she must discover a solution to the school’s funding problem with the help of her closest friends. Can Zoe Spark keep her beloved baking class alive?
All copies purchased before February 13, 2019 will come autographed, and include a complimentary Zoe Spark sticker.